Monday, November 3, 2008

Greed is the Root of All Evil

It really makes my heart ache to see how money and material things can influence people so much. Often times people let these "things" get in the way of relationships with their friends and family. Most of all, I am so disturbed that these "things" place a barrier between them and Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a hypocrit. We are all human and like to have nice things. But when you let them come between you and your blood, there is trouble.

I believe that God has given us all of these things as gifts. It is our human nature to "want what we can't have" and to "always want more." It is really hard to step back and say "do I really need that?"

On top of this falls jealousy. Jealousy can eat you up inside. It is a greedy form of worrying and a hard habit to break.

I struggle every day with lots of problems that I pray about continuously. Please join me in fighting against greed and pray for me as I pray for You. Don't let it destroy your relationships that God has blessed You with.

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Running it is!

I ran everyday last week. Not far... the longest distance I reached without stopping is 1.5 miles. I have to start little and build up to longer distances. Any way - I did not lose any weight but I am still going to give it another go this week... Now I think I need some cute workout clothes!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I need a hobby...

OK - I really want a hobby. Something that I can do to take time for myself... I know that sounds kinda selfish but it is what it is... Anyway... I have been thinking about it for the past couple of weeks and I came up with a few ideas.

1. Running - this will for sure take some dedication, but will be a good way for me to get in shape... so this may be one of the best ideas...

2. Scapbooking - even if it is not my hobby I have to start AG's scrapbook ASAP!!!

3. Learning to Sew - I pulled this one out of the air... I just see all of these kids with the cutest clothes on and I want to learn how to make them... They seem easy but I am sure once I get in the middle of it I will see why this may not be the best choice.

And that is where the thoughts end... So please help me with any hobby ideas. I need something to do for myself. Something that I will enjoy doing...

Muchas Gracias!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

1 Year Pictures!!

Kim Lawson, in Northport, AL did Ava Grace's one year pictures yesterday and I am so excited!! I think they are going to be really cute. Here are a few snapshots that she posted on her blog. I wanted to share them with you!! Her website is There is also a link to her blog at this site too. She is AWESOME and super sweet!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ava Grace is ONE!!

Ava Grace had a GREAT birthday!! She celebrated with 3 parties!! She had a party at school, with Mommy and Daddy, and another BIG party with all of her family and friends.

The party at school was really cute. Her teacher Miss Heather painted her a T-shirt with a "1" on it. She also had her mother make Ava Grace a super cute cake. It was a pink turtle with a multi-colored shell. Ava Grace cried at first because she knew we were about to leave her at daycare. So, she just sat in my lap and tore into the hot pink head of the turtle cake!! SHE LOVED IT!!

The party with Mommy and Daddy was fun too!! I made her some cupcakes and she loved it. After dinner she ate her cupcake and got it EVERYWHERE!! Then we opened presents and she played with her new toys.

The BIG birthday bash was this past Sunday, September 7th. Almost every one came that I invited!! It was so much fun!! Ava Grace did not really know what to think about having so many people at the house. So it took a long time for her to warm up to the idea. We had a total of 17 kids there!! 7 kids under the age of 1!!! She got lots of really nice presents... that I am still putting together and hanging up!! But I am not complaining. We are so fortunate to have such great friends and family to celebrate occaisons with. Here is a picture of Ava Grace after she played in her cake... she was clapping for herself!!

Thank you to everyone for coming and for helping make this such a special birthday!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Okay, that was the BEST GAME EVER!!!! Kyle and I went to Atlanta to the game this past weekend and Little Bit stayed with Nana and Pop. We had so much fun!! I don't think I have EVER yelled that much at a game before... I am officially ready for ALABAMA FOOTBALL!!! And I am pretty sure that Ava Grace has an outfit for every game. Oh, and she has houndstooth shoes... SO CUTE!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our God is an Awesome God!!

Ok... I know. I am a slacker. I was going to post every day but then I realized that my life was a little too crazy some days to post something. So now I am shooting for once or twice a week.

I have something that is really weighing on my heart to say. It begin brewing last Thursday when I went with one of my best friends to a Women's Night at her church. The theme for the evening was "Seasons." We had a FABULOUS speaker and she went through the seasons of a woman's life... growing up, maturing, college, marriage, children, raising children... and ended with growing old and moving on to the Ultimate Season, when we are with our Savior Jesus Christ in Heaven. I am the type person that sometimes does not really get the point when I am hearing a speaker... I guess you could say that I am a little ADHD or something... I don't know. But, I remembered what she said and kept thinking about and still am thinking about it now. On the way home that night I began to pray. (I love to pray in my car when I am driving... I really just feel like I connect with the Lord) The more I prayed the more I cried... not crying because I am sad but because I am so blessed. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in everyday life and everyday chores that I tend to not enjoy everything that God has given me. He has given me a wonderful family that I can count on no matter what and that sees past my faults and has unconditional love for me. He has given me a GREAT husband that loves me so much... I have a beautiful, healthy little girl that lights up when she sees me and her family and makes my heart melt... I could go on for days about how many blessings God has given me. But the greatest blessing of all is God's Grace!! He is so forgiving!! and He speaks to me every day and guides me in the right direction. When I stray from the path He has set before me He gets me right back on track. Now... HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!?!

Before I went to this dinner last week I was feeling pretty down on myself. I have done and said things in my life that I am not really proud of. I also wonder constantly... am I doing everything right for Ava Grace? Am I a good mother to her? Do I make the right choices? Am I being a good wife? daughter? sister? sister in law? daughter in law? I am a HUGE worrier!! I always have been... My point is that after going to this dinner last week I realized something. When I worry and get so caught up in the details of everything I am not able to fully enjoy everything that God has blessed me with. I could die tomorrow or in 60 years... we don't know when that day will come. Starting today I am going to slow down... enjoy life and all it has to offer. I am going to put God first in everything that I do and say. I am going to try not to worry as much and strive to be worry free. Thank you God for Your forgiveness and Love!!!! OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!!

Proverbs 12:25 "Worry makes a person feel as if he is carrying a heavy load. But a kind word cheers up a person."

Proverbs 4:23 & 25-27 "Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life....Keep your eyes focused on what is right. Keep looking straight ahead to what is good. Be careful what you do. Always do what is right. Do not do anything unless it is right. Stay away from evil."

Have a great day!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We're here!!

We're here!! The South Family officially has a blog... I woke up this morning and decided that today would be the day!! Blogging is kind of like a journal that everyone else reads... right? It can't be too hard... can it? So for the next few days - our site will look a little sad but soon enough I will figure out how to work everything. Until then... wish me luck!!

So, what should I talk about on the first blogging day? Well, I will start with my sweet little Ava Grace. She will be one in a couple of weeks, September 2nd 2008 to be exact. I am sending out her Birthday Invites this week and thought it would be really cute if I took some pictures of her in her birthday party hat and tutu. I set up a fake photography set with my white sheet and some props and it was a disaster!! First of all, she thought the party hat was hilarious!! I had a feather boa that she really wanted to eat!! and then she kept pulling her tutu up over her head!! Then in the middle of all of her eating and crawling and pulling and resisting... she did it... she made the perfect pose and smiled so pretty and then... my freakin' camera battery died!! I ran and put it on the charge and then when Daddy got home he helped me get some good pictures and she was a little angel... All of the craziness was definitely worth it!!