Once upon a time I used to be a fun person... I promise.
For some reason I can not fully let go anymore. What is wrong with me?
Is it because I work from home and my work is always staring at me. 24-7.
When I am trying to have a fun day or relax... I can not keep the following from happening:
My mind is wandering off in VarsityLand thinking...
Checking the crackberry every 5 minutes afraid that my emails are piling up...
Thinking about what report is due next...
Thinking what more can I do...
The house needs to be cleaned...
I have tons of clothes to wash...
I need to organize this and that...
This thinking inhibits me from FULLY enjoying anything. Which is really sad. ya know.
I have discussed this with the hubby. Several ideas have been tossed around but no conclusions. We thought about setting office hours for myself. Work 'X' number of hours a day and THAT IS IT! But that is nearly impossible. During my busy time of the year I work ALOT LONGER and HARDER - then there is about a month out of the year that is not as busy and I have a little more free time. So it kinda all evens out. But where do I draw the line?
As for the house. I know it is here, the laundry is continuous (just as it is in every household), it is going to need to be cleaned. In this house - I do the laundry and cleaning and any organizing that gets done. I have tried several different schedules to keep everything running smoothly and they just don't see to work out. I either run out of hours in the day to get it all done or something happens (AG gets sick, big project for work due) and I fail miserably at my schedule. Then I am just all out of whack and feeling pretty much like I am today.
I need help. Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
*I have asked the hubby when I can just be a stay at home mom or work part-time and the answer is pretty much a sarcastic laugh and a look like 'NEVER'... just wanted you to know on the front-end in case that was your suggestions.
Ringing in the New Year-Disney Style!
4 years ago
I feel ya. Work + Wife + Mommy + Housekeeper + Friend + Everything Else = Super Stress
I can only offer a couple of suggestions from experience, that may or may not work for you.
1) Pick one day to unplug (email, cell phone). Sundays are always good for that. That is your family day and nothing else matters. It takes some practice but in the end, you just have to do it. Over time, you will LOVE this.
2) Since our baby was born, Hubby has been a big help with the housework. I work full-time outside of the home so I know things pile up quick. Hubby is in charge of dishes and floors. I do everything else, but having just those 2 things off my back is so helpful. So, anything your hubs can do to help, let him! (Even if it's not up to your standards! -haha)
Good luck with this. I know it's hard, but at the end of the day what matters most is that you don't miss out on being with AG or hubs. You can't get missed time back.
I SO know what you mean! I love doing the blogs as a little side job and I am so incredible blessed that we have been given the opportunity to have this for some extra money, but there are definitely times I want it to just go away for a few days! Working 8 hours a day then coming home to another 3-4 hours of work can be rough sometimes.
As for the housework, try flylady.net...it is a FABULOUS way to organize time with household stuff! I haven't really gotten into it yet just because I'm starting a new job, but it is really good if your schedule is a little more flexible. Good luck!
I know how you feel and I don't have a baby! Just a husband and dog :) I would suggest taking one day to yourself and have "you time"!
I have a job that expects me to work all the time and check my blackberry at home, but I just check it once a night and make a list to do in the morning!
As for the house...please let me know if you figure out how to get all the chores caught up. I struggle with that everyday!
I hope it gets better!
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