Thursday, August 27, 2009

Notsomuch -

So... Last night was Ava Grace's first night in the big girl bed. It didn't work out so well. She kept getting out of it all night. She was okay as long as I was sitting right there next to it but as soon as I left her side she got so upset.

So... This is going to be a difficult next couple of weeks but I know she can do it. Last night she ended up sleeping in our room because I was so tired.

I am sick right now. I am not really sure what I have - it is for sure some sort of cold or something. Last night I had a fever of 102 - I was freezing and could not get warm. I ache all over and can not breathe out of my nose... I don't have a fever this morning so maybe I am getting better. Hopefully I don't have the flu or anything like that!

Well, enough about me. I hope you have a great day today!!


Crystal said...

I feel your pain about being sick! I've been sick for the past two weeks and I'm just now starting to feel better. I hope you feel better soon! The doctor told me to try a Netti Pot if you are stuffed up and it works wonders! It is kind of gross to think about but it helps! You can get it at Walgreens or something.

Lana said...

Maybe you could use some kind of reward system to get AG to stay in her bed. If she stays in until the morning she gets a sticker. After so many stickers she gets a well deserved treat. Good luck and I hope you feel better!


r.a.w. chronicles said...

I hope you feel better soon, and can get some sleep tonight. It's no fun being sick and having a little one with a new sleep arrangement. Just remember, it might take time, but she will be sleeping in her own bed soon.


Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

I left you a blog award today. :)