Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my 4th wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has already been 4 years!

Kyle and I started dating in August of 2003. August 3rd to be exact! Here is how we met...

I was working with his sister at this little children's shoe store in Tuscaloosa. One day we were talking and I told her that I needed to sublease my apartment that August. It just so happened that her brother (Kyle) was needing a 6 month lease since he was finishing school in December. She told her mom and we all went to look at it. Then when it came time to sign the papers over Kyle came to my work and picked me up so we could go to the apartment leasing office together. I looked like crap! I didn't know we were going to do that then and I had forgotten how hot he is. At this point we really didn't know each other. We had seen each other out before but only said "hi." I think he was just about as nervous as I was. When we left my work he starting going the wrong way down the road!! See! I was already driving him crazy!! HAHA! Then after that about a week later his sister called me and asked me if Kyle had called me. He had not and she said that he had just called her and got my number!! He called and asked me to dinner and the movies. We had a great time on our first date and THEN HE DID NOT CALL ME FOR A WEEK! I even left my raincoat in his car and he gave it to his sister to give back to me. I thought for sure he would give it right back to me. (I did not leave it on purpose - although after I thought about it, it would have been a good idea) I was so mad. That whole week I was trying to figure out what I did wrong!! Then he called again and came over to help me move in my new apartment. He was going home to Fayette for the weekend and asked me to go with him. I did and we have been together ever since. We got engaged March 10th, 2005 and married that October 15th.

In my first 4 years of marriage I have learned that marriage is fun but hard. You have to constantly keep working at communicating. It is so easy to get relaxed and out of touch with each other. Since we had Ava Grace we have not "dated" each other as much as we want to but that is about to change. We have decided that atleast once a month (hopefully twice) we are going to start getting a babysitter and going on a date. I think every married couple needs to do that!!

Here are some pics of me and my sweet hubby!!


Beth said...

Happy Anniversary Nikki. I love all the pics. Y'all are too cute! I loved reading the story of how y'all met. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :)

Jennie said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing with us.

My Hubby did the same not calling for a week thing - couldn't you just scream?! :)

April said...

Happy Anniversary! What a neat story!

r.a.w. chronicles said...

Cute story! And cute pictures! Happy Anniversary.