Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun Easter Weekend!

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend! We did!

Here are a few pics. Have a fabulous day!! Love love

Friday, April 22, 2011

Where have I been??

So, I have taken a LONG break from blogging! Sorry! But I am back. :-)

Where have I been? Well, no place exciting. But I have been very busy. The last you heard I am having a GIRL! and I still am! LOL I do have good news! If you recall on my previous post from forever ago I wrote that I have placenta previa. I am happy to say that my placenta has MOVED! As of my 29th week ultrasound it is 1cm away from my cervix. They want it to be 2cm away so I am hoping and praying that at my 35 week appointment it will have moved another cm. I am HUGE so surely it has moved! I am not really that worried about it right now. My OBGYN felt pretty confident that it would move.

Now - let's talk about this pregnancy. To be honest I don't really remember much from when I was preggo with Ava Grace but this pregnancy has not really been that bad. I feel good for the most part. Like any preggo person I have trouble getting going and if I am up for long periods I get really tired easily. I am SUPER HUNGRY for pretty much anything and you can tell that by looking at me :-) The only thing this time is SHE IS REALLY REALLY LOW! I mean like I feel like she might fall out at any moment. My doctor said it is prob because this is my 2nd pregnancy and everything is not as strong as it was before. When I went in for my 33 week appt this past week he said something about her being low when he was measuring me. He did say that I was measuring right on time so that's good news.

I think I am nesting a little around here. This past week I have organized my closet, bedroom, and office. It looks and feels great for everything to have a place. Next week I am tackling the laundry room and Ava Grace's closet. I need to change out fall clothes for Spring/Summer clothes. I am loving this organizing zone I am in :-)

Ava Grace is doing great and loving school. She is doing better using her nice words and manners. This week she has said yes mam or no mam pretty much everytime I ask her something. That's HUGE! Her daycare was closed today for Good Friday and I was off work so we were able to spend some time together. We dyed eggs this morning and then went to see Rio and the Easter Bunny this afternoon. She had a BLAST! Then we ate dinner with daddy and came home. Oh and we had about a hour to kill so we went to Toys R Us to look around. Believe it or not this was the 1st time I have taken her to Toys R Us since she was about 6 months. She was in TOY OVERLOAD! So excited to be there! and She LOVED everything. I told her she could have 1 toy and out of everything there she chose a little stuffed Pluto that was only $6.99 so I think I came out pretty good! Bless her heart because she inherited my decision making. She looked EVERYWHERE in the store and had such a hard time choosing just 1 toy. When I was little I did the same thing! Heck - I still do that. I look and look and pick out things and then talk myself out of buying all of it. So - she gets it honest and I can totally feel her pain!

So - that is what we have been up to! Tomorrow we have the Easter Egg Hunt at the park that our church is hosting and then we are going to Nana and Pop's cabin to grill out and make smores! Ava Grace can't wait to play with her cousins, Braylen and Sarah. They are all about the same age and love to play together. It will be a fun weekend! I hope you all have a HAPPY EASTER!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guess What!?!?

We are having another baby GIRL!! YAY!!

Ava Grace is pumped and is determined that we are naming her Strawberry Shortcake. She has said the whole time that she is having a baby sister. She knew it all along!

So... on to the ultrasound. My sweet baby girl looked great. She weighed 8oz and her heart rate was around 145. Her little heart looked great - all 4 chambers were there. Her little kidneys and her brain and all of the other organs they look for were there and working away.

There was one little issue that they found. As of right now, I am calling it a little issue until my next ultrasound. I have placenta previa. That is where the placenta is covering the cervix. There is complete previa and partial previa and I think mine is complete. So, basically what that means is that I don't need to go into labor and I will need to have a c-section early with this sweet girl. I also will need to be careful with myself and watch for bleeding. My doctor said that alot of times as the uterus gets bigger the placenta will move and in that case I would be able to have a vaginal delivery. So, I will get 2 extra ultrasounds for them to monitor the baby and me. My next ultrasound will be in March. If it is still there I will most likely need to have a c-section around 37 weeks if everything goes as planned. Now, we all know that when it comes to life and everything in this world WE don't have the plan. God is the ONLY One that knows what will happen and when it will happen. So I am just going to take things one day at a time, try not to read too much on the internet, and go ahead and get everything ready for her to be here so I can be prepared if she comes early. At this point a c-section scar, stretch marks, and brown spots on my face don't really matter that much to me. I just want to make sure this sweet girl gets here safely and healthy and that I stay healthy so I can take good care of her and my sweet Ava Grace.

Love love. My thought for today... NO WORRIES!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We LOVE Snow!!

We had a blast yesterday! Ava Grace woke up at 6:30 ready to play in the snow! After a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes, bacon, biscuits, and eggs that is exactly what we did. First we built a snowman and then we let her ride down a few little hills next to our house. Then we jumped in the car and went to the golf course to go down the BIG hills there. It was so much fun!! I wanted to go down the hill so bad but thought I better not take the risk with Baby South #2. So I took LOTS of pictures and Daddy and AG went down the hill! We were out in the snow for about 4 hours! Then we were all hungry and went to Mc'Ds on the way home. We had a great relaxing afternoon in the house. AG and Daddy rested and I did some work. And to top it off - Kyle went and bought groceries and made Chili for supper. It was so good! AG LOVED it!! Then we got on our PJ's and watched the Bachelor - which I am LOVING by the way! - and the National Championship.

Here are some pics from the day. Love Love

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Okay! I am super excited right now because it is snowing! And just so you know - this hardly EVER happens in the south where I live. I can't wait to play in it tomo and take LOTS of pictures!!

I hope it keeps coming down. Ava Grace is pumped about building a snowman in the morning! She didn't want to go to bed...

We had a fabulous weekend! Friday night we went to eat for Kyle's grandmothers bday. Saturday we stayed in our pj's til around 2! Then got AG ready and off to Nana's house and we went to eat dinner for a friends 30th bday! It was delish and alot of fun! Today we went to church then AG and I took a nap on my big comfty chair for about 2 hours. It was a VERY RELAXING weekend!!

Also - this is a big week! I am 19 weeks this week and we will be finding out Wednesday what we are having. We are thinking girl... Which will be fine since we have LOTS of girl stuff and a nursery already decorated for a girl. BUT if its a boy we would be happy too! I would love for Kyle to have a little boy that he could take to play golf! And I would love to see some blue in my house and go to some baseball games... We'll see! I will be sure to blog an update!

For now I am going to bed! I will post pics tomo of our adventures in the snow! :-)

Love Love

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

First of all, sorry I have been a little MIA for the past couple of months! The holidays kept me a tad bit busy. I did read everyone else's blogs but just didn't post :-( BUT - I am back! :-)

I will do a post on Christmas soon but right now lets talk about new year resolutions. I decided to go back this morning and look at my post on new year resolutions from 2010 to see how I did. And sad to say I didn't do so hot. Uh Oh! Maybe I will do better in 2011!!

So - here's the list...

1.) Get ORGANIZED and STAY THAT WAY!! This is so super important. Esp with baby #2 on the way. I am going to take a room a week and try to get organized. Any organization ideas PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them my way!! The worst room right now is Ava Grace's playroom.

2.) Exercise more... so right now I am not really exercising much at all so more would be like 3 days a week or so. Surely I can handle that!

3.) Menu Planning!! I already do this each week for the majority of the time. Some weeks I try to cut back on grocery expenses so we eat a lot of soups and sandwiches those weeks and obviously there is no need to plan :-) But thanks to Nana and Pop we got a deep freezer for Christmas!! So I am contemplating making up some meals in advance and stocking up on some things from Sam's Club. We'll see how this one goes :-)

4.) PAY OFF DEBTS!! This one should have been FIRST on the list. I seriously want to pay off my short term debts. I know my student loans and our mortgage will take a LONG time to pay off but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get any credit card debt, car loan debt, etc paid off. Ideally before the baby gets here in June!

5.) Read the Bible all the way thru! Okay - really this one should be been first and the debts #2. I have wanted to do this for a really long time. For Christmas this year my sweet little sister in law gave me a daily planner that also has a daily reading schedule to read the Bible in 1 year. I am so excited to get started on this!!

6.) Spend more time with friends and family!!

What are your plans for 2011?? I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

love love