Friday, June 12, 2009

Do You Ever...

Do you ever wake up with that feeling that you want to buy something? Do you ever just crave a new top or shoes or a new purse?

Call me what you want... but I woke up this morning and I really wanted to go shopping. I have resisted the urge thus far but the day is still young. I guess it is a good thing that I live in a small town... my options are few...

The sad thing is that I really don't even know what I want. I would love to have some new clothes... who wouldn't?!?

Right now I am filling the void with Doritos and Sunkist. At this point I can either be fat or fabulously stylish and broke. I really prefer the second option...

Guess I could go buy some diet pills... kill two birds with one stone... I wonder if that will work... I think NOT!

It is times like these that I wish I did not live in a small town... geeezzz!


Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

Hey Nikki! My parents bought a DVD/VHS converter a while back to transfer those, we just haven't used it until now. I don't think the converters are very expensive anymore, and it's SO easy to transfer them...all you do is put the DVD and video in and hit one button! Plus it's nice to see all of those movies again :)

Banteringblonde said...

yes, actually I have had this happen! In fact, if it rains tomorrow and we don't go to the pool, I will be heading out to window shop! nice to find your blog!