Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Papaw!

My Papaw would have been 80 today! He was such a character! Growing up, we lived next door to my grandparents. I would go to their house every afternoon and sit with him on the front porch and talk. I would get out in the yard and do cartwheels and forward rolls and he would clap for me and say "Do it again! You're really good at that!" They also had a pool and he would always make all of the grandkids milkshakes to sip after swimming. They were so perfect! He knew just how everyone liked theirs - they were so good! I miss those days!! I could go on and on about all of the funny, loving, and mischievous things that he did. I can't wait to see him again someday!!


Papaw loved to wear Hawaiian shirts like this - He was the life of the party!

This is us skating when I was little. He loved to have a good time - this was at my birthday party...

This picture was taken on Christmas Eve - He loved the holidays! And he loved spending time with us! I love this picture because he is smiling so BIG!!


Courtney said...

Great post. He sounds like a wonderful man!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi there!

Thanks so much for visiting me today and leaving a comment. I'm not sure how you found me, but I'm so glad you did. It's always fun to meet other bloggers.

I've enjoyed my visit here. Your Papaw sounds like a wonderful man. What great memories you have of him.


Anonymous said...

I love this post Nikki. I think it helps us to remember these good times and be thankful that you were with him to have these experiences and now they are precious memories. Thank you for remembering! I felt like we had him a big 80th birthday party this past weekend at his favorite place,Yellow Creek! Happy Birthday Daddy! Love, Debbie(Mom,Mimi)


What great memories, I love the pics. I miss my Dad and have such great memories of him too. Thank You for visiting my blog and the comment. Hope you will come back soon. Blessings,

r.a.w. chronicles said...

I love the pictures on your blog. And little Ava Grace, she is the cutest!! How sweet. Thanks for reading my blog, and commenting. I'm excited to read your blog.


Jennifer said...

She is tooo cute! I am looking forward to Carter getting to this age :) Have a wonderful Wednesday

Ann said...

what a great post! me and my kids call grandpa...papaw too!

Anonymous said...

Nikki!! This is awesome! Love you~Terri