Monday, July 6, 2009

Toys Toys Toys

I am so tired of picking up toys!! I have declared July DECLUTTER MONTH! This week I will be going through Ava Grace's toys and either giving them away or consigning them. It is INSANE the number of toys and stuffed animals that she has. Don't get me wrong... I am not going to give away all of my baby's toys - BUT she can only play with so much and I can only pick up so many stuffed animals. Right now she is wanting to dress them - so she drags out ALL of her clothes and shoes and gives them all a NEW LOOK! Then she says, "OH, THAT'S CUTE!" - It's really precious but I think I am about to lose my mind.

We need a little more structure in the playroom... My OCD can not take it too much longer!


Lana said...

Good luck with the clean out. As they get older there stuff seems to multiple!! Ava Grace is a sweet heart. She reminds me so much of my Sara when she was a little one. I enjoy your blog!

Lana said...

That should be multiply. ;)

Anonymous said...

Bring a few of her fav girl toys to Mimi's house so that I have more girl toys for her to play with here. Love,Mom

Unknown said...

I hear ya on the decluttering. I do this almost every month or two and my kiddos are 5 & 6. Their used clothing goes to Goodwill or friends with smaller children. Isn't it amazing how such LITTLE people create such BIG messes?
P.S. Thanks for entering my giveaway. Good luck!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Just blog hopping and enjoyed reading yours....I love making new blog friends and love looking at all the different blog designs.

Jessica said...

I have to say I completely agree with children making you smile everyday! It never takes much!