Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yay for a TOY FREE kitchen!!

Well, at least for tonight! I finally cleaned out Ava Grace's playroom tonight! It looks much better! And I FINALLY moved her kitchen set and play food into the playroom instead of having it in my kitchen.

The original idea was that she would play in her kitchen while I cook dinner at night. I didn't think about the fact that she did not want to cook in her kitchen - she wanted to cook in MY KITCHEN with the REAL STUFF! Anyway - I was tired of stepping on little plates and bowls and cracker boxes and fake food!

My car is LOADED DOWN right now with bags of toys and stuffed animals that are going to Goodwill tomorrow. I seriously have like 10 of them packed in my car!! I saved the toys that I thought would be good for our next baby and we put those in a plastic tote in the attic. I moved the furniture around too - It always makes me feel good to move the furniture around every once in a while!!

The next move is to get some pictures on the walls. Right now it is pretty plain. I am going to order some poster prints from KodakGallery and frame those for her room but I also need some other cute paintings to put up too. Where could I get some really cute paintings or prints that are not too expensive?

Hope you had a great day! I am looking forward to starting my Thursday with a clean kitchen, baby room, and playroom!! Her closet is ANOTHER STORY!! I am going to chill on that one for a little bit.


Jessica Bradford Odom said...

Nikki, try for inexpensive prints, posters, photographs. I take them to Hobby Lobby for frames. :)

mimsfamilyblog said...

Try You can usually find just about anything at a good price.
Love yall!